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Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật 1
Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật 2

Automatic, server-based OCR solution

Automatically convert huge volume of images into fully searchable, structured and hyper-compressed documents adapted for editing, short or long-term archiving.

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Compress your images up to 50 times with iHQC

Shrink your images files (including text, pictures, tables, etc.) up to 50 times compared to the uncompressed document, while keeping visual quality, for easy sharing and efficient storage!

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Professional scanning by I.R.I.S... and much more!

Boost your production scanner! Scan large quantities of documents at high speed, sort them by type and create editable, compressed and indexed files that are easy to share, archive and retrieve.

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Convert any image or PDF into searchable & compressed PDF files in a just click!

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Use OCR software to save the precious time you would lose retyping information from documents! Readiris 15 automatically recognizes the text and layout from an image, a PDF or a scanned document and turns it into an editable digital file (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, TXT, ePub, etc.)

- Readiris 15 Pro
- Readiris 15 Corporate
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Tổng số 5 Sản phẩm
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